Monday, February 28, 2011

You Must Have This Product!!!!!!!!!

You must have this product!!!! No really its true, without pyruvate then life on this planet would die out and humans would cease to exist! Pyruvate is also a special transitional molecule in many other biochemical reactions. And also get this: Pyruvic acid is part of theory of how life on this planet even began to exist, it has been shown that Iron Sulfide under the right conditions will produce pyruvate! Making it possible for organisms to exist!


  1. This ad does not strike me. I am not sure if the whole blog is supposed to be like the ad, explaining the properties and such, but it seems to me that if that was not intended, this ad was then a bust. Although you do mention some key abilities of pyruvic acid, you fail to expand fully on the ad and the molecule itself in the ad.

    However, this blog was a complete success otherwise. The molecule is accurately depicted, I see all of the angles, the atoms, and the bonds such that it makes the complete molecule. I was struck by the background of the blog and it seems to fit the whole ideal that you set out to create. I thought the lettering and the style of the letters were odd and did not seem to work, but that is just me. All in all, excellent blog.

  2. This add seemed to be pretty convincing the way you worded it. However, like Blake said, I feel as though it would have grasped the reader's attention more if you inserted a picture or a graphic. You could have also maybe listed a few more points of interest that would make the product desirable, such as what store products its used in or maybe the value of it, rather than just explaining how all life needs it. Other than that, the advertisement was enthusiastic and i had the urge to pick up the phone and call.

  3. ^ That last comment was Richard Herzig's by the way. I forgot to add the name at the end.

  4. Overall Appearance: I thought that the overall appearance was very good! I thought that the background was really cool and the font and other formats that you used really worked well with one another. The appearance was visually appealing and the colors worked well with each other.

    Drawing: The 3-D drawing was good. You drew the arrows in which made it easy to understand. It was also well labeled because you put the first letter of the atom on each. For example, on oxygen you wrote "O".

    Polarity: The polarity was correctly identified. It is a polar molecule and the arrows demonstrated this. I like how you also showed the valence electrons on the oxygens as well.

    Intermolecular forces: The intermolecular forces were clearly defined and discussed. I thought that you did a great job of telling about each one and drawing the lines to show dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonding.

    Advertisement: I thought that the advertisement was alright. It would have been nice to see some pictures in the advertisement section as well as some other reasons that would make me want to buy it. It was not entirely convincing. I thought that the blog was good overall. Nice job!

    - Robert Checani
